
Samyukta Hasta Mudra

Anjali mudra: This mudra is used to express salutation, respect, and devotion. It is formed by bringing the palms together in front of the chest.

Samyukta hasta mudra, or double hand gestures, are an important part of Bharatanatyam, a classical dance form from India. They are used to express a variety of emotions, ideas, and objects.

There are 24 samyukta hasta mudras, each with its own meaning and significance. Some of the most common samyukta hasta mudras include:

Anjali mudra: This mudra is used to express salutation, respect, and devotion. It is formed by bringing the palms together in front of the chest.

Karana mudra: This mudra is used to express action, movement, and energy. It is formed by joining the palms together, with the fingers extended.

Hasta mudra: This mudra is used to express a variety of emotions, such as joy, sorrow, anger, and fear. It is formed by joining the palms together, with the fingers curled.

Shakti mudra: This mudra is used to express power, strength, and determination. It is formed by joining the palms together, with the fingers pointing down.

Surya mudra: This mudra is used to express the sun, light, and knowledge. It is formed by joining the palms together, with the thumbs touching.

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